Exercises Physical Therapists Want You to Stop

Exercises Physical Therapists Want You to Stop

Regardless if you’re recovering from an injury or looking to stay in top physical condition, staying mobile is essential for your active lifestyle near Marlton, Whiting, Somerset, and Howell. But, have you ever wondered if some of the exercises you’re doing could be causing you pain or making it worse?

Luckily, the state-licensed Doctors of Physical Therapy at Trinity Rehab can help you learn more about the exercises that physical therapists want you to stop. Thanks to these insights, you’ll avoid workouts that trigger your pain, so that you can remain fully functional and ready for any type of physical challenge.

Curb Those Crunches

Abdominal strength is the key to better overall stability. However, those sets of crunches you do following your run or hike may be doing your body more harm than good.

While you’re sitting up after completing a single crunch, your spine bears nearly 750 pounds of compressive force, which can lead to back pain and discomfort, even if you don’t have a preexisting injury or condition.

And, if you do suffer from back pain, this is an exercise to exclude from your daily workout. Instead of crunching your way to a strong core, try out something like an Elbow Plank. Here’s how to do it:

  • Begin by lying down on your stomach
  • Position yourself above the floor on your forearms and toes
  • Make sure that your body is parallel to the floor and you hold yourself up
  • Engage your core and avoid arching your back
  • Hold the position for about 20 to 30 seconds

By including this workout in your daily exercise session, you’ll avoid aggravating your back pain and instead, you’ll strengthen those abdominal muscles.

Straight-Legged Deadlifts

As one of the most popular exercises used to strengthen almost every part of your body, deadlifts have been championed by professional athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike.

But, while you’re testing your strength with a few sets of Straight-Legged Deadlifts, the ligaments in your legs are bearing most of the weight, which can ultimately lead to wear and tear of the joints.

Eventually, that wear can cause ligament damage or excessive pain that may make it difficult for you to stay active.

Fortunately, there’s an alternative to this workout that’s just as effective and much more sustainable for your joints. For example, the Romanian deadlift adds a little bend to your knees, which can provide your body with extra support during this intense exercise.

Check Those Squats

No matter if you’re looking to prevent an injury before a big competition or want to reduce your leg and back pain, the most important thing you can do is avoid exercises like the ever-popular squat.

Although the pain you’re experiencing while squatting could be caused by improper form, you want to check with your physical therapist to see if the movement itself may be triggering your discomfort.

If your squats aren’t doing any harm to your body or your injury, ask your physical therapist to walk you through the motions.

Once they’ve educated you on how to perform a squat correctly, have them provide you with written instructions, or watch yourself complete this workout in a mirror. That way, you’ll keep your back, legs, and neck aligned during your squat set, and avoid muscles pulls and tendon damage.

Schedule Your Physical Therapy Appointment Today!

At Trinity Rehab, we want to help every patient near Marlton, Whiting, Somerset, and Howell prevent injuries, reduce pain, and retain mobility so that you can stick to your fitness goals.

So, if you’ve been noticing some discomfort while you’re performing any of these exercises, be sure to consult our state-licensed physical therapists for guidance.

Ready to boost your strength and relieve your pain? Simply schedule your free screening, make your first appointment, or contact us today!


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