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Christopher William Lee, PTA, ACSM EP-C, NASM CES, NASM PES

Tags: | Published on: November 16, 2023

As a board certified PTA with over a decade of experience in the health and fitness industry, Chris holds certifications through both the NASM and ACSM, and has made physical health a fundamental part of his life.  He began his exploration with exercise in Florida as part of a weight loss journey as far back as 2004 and then went on to expand his knowledge by moving to New Jersey and earning his B.S. in Exercise Science and Applied Kinesiology from Rutgers. After working with a variety of individuals and observing the growing necessity for rehabilitative care, his interest in orthopedic and sports related therapy grew where it led him to finish the Physical Therapist Assistant program at Mercer County Community College. When Chris isn’t in the clinic you’ll find him either working with his clients, working out on his own, or enjoying one of the various pastimes he prefers to participate in.  Now as a part of the Trinity Rehab family, he is happy to be part of your recovery process

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